While all that motion occurs, you move emotionally with the human cosmos, you know, that collection of relatives and friends for whom you care deeply. Like all those celestial bodies, you are caught up in movements of their lives and swept along in unfelt changes until some turbulence or acceleration calls your attention that you are not where you once were. Those once dependent on you have all the while been moving toward independence.
You have choices here. One of those is to accept the movement and realize that it is this very kind of motion that led to your own independence. You can rejoice in discovering change in a human cosmos. You can also marvel that in all the intertwined motions there is a unity that connects you and yours. You travel a great distance with all the “bodies” in your world. As separation occurs, you know that your journey has been fortunate: For a brief time in a vast universe you and others traveled in the same direction in close and interdependent proximity.
You will reach a time to watch them depart to become bright distant objects whose light, though distant, still shines on you and reflects your time together. They will do all right in a changed universe just as you did all right when you broke free from those who traveled with you.
Eventually, you arrive at a time when your own motions can bring you joy just as you found joy when you were bound to the motions of others.